If you want to carry on a regulated trade or a sub-trade, you have to furnish evidence of professional competence. Evidence of professional competence proves that the person registering the business has the professional and commercial knowledge as well as the abilities and experience necessary to carry on the respective trade independently.
If no evidence of professional competence may be furnished, the authority may recognise professional competence individually. To this end, the applicant has to prove in a different way that she/he has the necessary knowledge, abilities and experience.
It is also possible to obtain individual authorisation to pursue a sub-activity if evidence of professional competence can be furnished only for a sub-activity of the respective trade. The activities of a carpenter may, for example, be limited to mounting.
Recognition of individual professional competence for a full scope of activities is not possible with regard to some specific trades (e.g. master builder or master wood builder).
In general, these regulations also apply to business owners from EU-countries in Austria.